tagged with
01/31/25 $ whois trevor. featuring guest author
01/05/25 believing in something: Stalker (1979)
10/18/23 El Teatro ó El Teatro y Yo.
05/10/23 Cálculo Lambda
03/29/23 High on happiness
01/28/23 Agárrate, ¡con las manos!
05/14/22 Creo que extraño mi computadora
05/01/22 Going back in time and reading some of Zuckerberg's blog posts.
04/22/22 Listing Installed Fonts on *NIX systems
04/22/22 Hello, world!
04/11/22 Resizing images on Linux while keeping aspect ratio.
04/08/22 Un escrito que me encontré en la web
03/30/22 Actually unmounting and removing power off HDDs
03/30/22 Finding empty directories
11/30/21 Geohot Archive Links
11/14/21 Un beso en el asfalto. 2017
11/08/21 Movies