Arch Linux Bulletin Board System Post First of all, your help, any help would be greatly appreciated. [h] the problem [/h] I've been using the [] program for quite a while now, about 9 months I'd say. All was going well until about 4 weeks ago. I don't know what happened, what caused it or why. Pass started acting up, it took from 20 to 30 seconds what used to take literally 1 second. The pinentry-gtk-2 program was taking a whole lot of time to start. So I dug deeper. Eventually I found out that it definitely had something to do with GnuPG as decrypting files directly through GnuPG also yielded the same results, after all, pass is just a bash script that uses gpg encryption and decryption commands. So then I went searching on the internets and it was pretty bad. I couldn't really find any information regarding GnuPG besides [0] I've tried almost* everything to get gpg up and running but it just, won't work! I don't know if this was a system upgrade or something but point is, it just slowed way down. When [b]requesting a password, [/b] it'd take anywhere from 20 to 40 seconds to just show the pinentry binary (the one that asks you for the password), in particular, the `pinentry-gtk-2`, but guess what? I tried using the ncurses version also and it didn't work! I tried decrypting and encrypting files directly by using gpg, but yielded the same results!, also tried with the `pinentry-tty` binary. I tried the stackexchange solution but it didn't work. Later on, I hopped onto libera IRC to join the `gnupg` channel, as suggested by members in the `pass` channel, as this is clearly much more specific to gpg. In the `gnupg` channel I had the fortune to be able to talk to someone to walk me through a ton of things. Testing, after testing and testing. We even tried creating less-resource intensive keys, creating temporary gnu directories to store keys in, et cetera. [b] Also, I should point out that the behaviour is not intermittent, [em] it is definitely constant. [/em] I do have a password cache enabled, but every time time has passed or I manually clear the password cache (with [code] echo RELOADAGENT | gpg-connect-agent [/code] ) the same behaviour happens. [/b] [h] System Information [/h] [em]Arch Linux. Hardware: T490. 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD. Intel core i7 8th gen. [/em] [code] $ uname --all Linux t490-4rch 5.14.9-zen2-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Fri, 01 Oct 2021 19:03:23 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux [/code] [h] logs [/h] [code] strace pass show Test/random > 2>&1 [/code] [url=] Log: gpg debug with strace [/url] [quote=unixbhaskar] Well, add these lines in your gpg-agent.conf file and tail the log file on another window see live what is going on : [code] log-file /path/to/your/gpg-agent.log debug-pinentry debug ipc verbose [/code] [/quote] [code] $ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf # max-cache-ttl 39696 # pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-curses pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-tty log-file /home/trevorlarbs/.gnupg/gpg-agent.debug.log debug-pinentry debug ipc verbose [/code] [code] $ tail -f .gnupg/gpg-agent.debug.log > gpgagent.debug.out [/code] [url=] Log: gpgagent.debug.out [/url] [h] What I've done so far [/h] [list] [*] i've tried with normal linux kernel, linux-lts, and linux-zen. Same behaviour for all three. [/*] [*] live Booting of usb with iso: [b]behaviour does change, it asks for password instantly.[/b] [/*] [*] tried with other WM / DEs. dwm (larbs, default), KDE, xfce4. same behaviour in all. [/*] [*] tried creating a temporary directory with new gpg keys, even with less resource intensive algorithms. Did not work, still took a lot of time. [/*] [/list] [b]references [/b] [list] [*] [url=] 0. Why would GPG Pinentry be slow when opening in GUI but instantaneous when opening in CLI? [/url] [/*] [*] [url=] 1. pinentry slows down all of a sudden. r/GPGPractice. Posted by me. [/url] [/*] [*] [url=] 2. neofetch [/url] [/*] [*] [url=] 3. pinentry takes about 30 seconds to launch. r/GnuPG. Posted by me. [/url] [/*] [/list]