../ | | - | Directory |
Baudis,Moudrik- On Move Pattern Trends in a Large Go Games Corpus.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 449.5K | application/pdf |
Bouzy- Mathematical morphology applied to computer go.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 84.0K | application/pdf |
Cazenave,Helmstetter- Combining Tactical Search and Monte-Carlo in the Game of Go.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 203.3K | application/pdf |
Fellows,Malitsky,Wojtaszczyk- Exploring GnuGo's Evaluation Function with SVM.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 189.5K | application/pdf |
Gaudel,Hoock,Perez,Sokolovska,Teytaud- A Principled Method for Exploiting Opening Books.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 180.9K | application/pdf |
Muller- Computer Go.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 6.5M | application/pdf |
Schraudolph,Dayan,Sejnowski- Temporal Difference Learning of Position Evaluation in the Game of Go.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 2.0M | application/pdf |
Sutskever,Nair- Mimicking Go Experts with Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 173.4K | application/pdf |
Wistuba,Schaefers,Platzner- Comparison of Bayesian Move Prediction Systems for Computer Go.pdf | 2025-Jan-04 23:47:55 | 1.8M | application/pdf |